
Education is a light that shows the right direction to the mankind. India is one of the countries that have the highest number of educational institutions in the world and, Consequently, the higest number of teachers and faculty members. Increasing internationalization in teaching is strongly supported by the Indian education sector and is considered vital for Indian institutions in developing India capacity in research and innovation, driving up India  institutional ranking and increasing the quality of Teaching and learning. A Faculty Development Program (FDP) is designed to train and develop professionals in various disciplines so that they can act as resource persons in guiding and motivating young person’s to take up right career. As “Learning never ends” – Sharda University organized this online international FDP with the aim of equipping faculty members / Research Scholars/ PG students and industry professionals with required skills and knowledge. Being an educator is not just about sharing knowledge; it is about making sure that learners accurately assimilate this knowledge and develop learning out of it. The program facilitated the attendees to get engaged and improve their teaching/learning skills to meet the ever changing dynamics in the academic and professional world.

Objectives of Event

  • The idea of the FDP is to bring the scholars, scientists, industrialists from all over the world in the IT industry to a common platform and achieve the following:
  • To develop research acumen among faculty members and also dissemination of the same amongst the students by incorporating research-based inputs in education.
  • To acquaint the participants with the use of basic qualitative and quantitative research techniques and data analysis tools.
  • To re-emphasize the concept of teacher as transformer who go beyond the syllabus and beyond the class room to motivate the students for accepting challenges for innovative work.
  • To develop a group of trainers equipped with innovative teaching methods as part of capacity building.
  • To focus on building work life balance and emotional intelligence.
  • To present the on-going researches in the field and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry.
  • Give participants a review of the latest and upcoming trends in the next few years.
  • Exposing the audience to the need for more development and research in the field and with it the growing need for IT security.
  • Provide an opportunity to the delegates to share their new ideas and the application experiences.

The faculty development program will have sufficient discussions, deliberations in a case study approach, and provides a hands-on experience on re-engineering or fine-tuning the academic processes that can improve the quality of the outcome. Highly renowned professionals from academia and industry are being invited to enlighten the participants on various areas.

Convener Details

Chief Patron: 

  • Shri P. K. Gupta, Chancellor, SU
  • Shri Y. K. Gupta, Pro Chancellor, SU


  • Prof. (Dr.) Sibaram Khara, Vice Chancellor, SU


  • Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand, Pro Vice Chancellor, SU and Dean, SSET


  • Prof. (Dr.) Sudeep Varshney, HoD, CSE, SSET


  • Prof. (Dr.) Vishal Jain, CSE, SSCSE
  • Prof. (Dr.) Ambuj Kumar Agrawal, CSE, SSCSE
  • Dr. Rani Astya, Associate Professor, CSE, SSCSE
  • Dr. Gaurav Raj, Associate Professor, CSE, SSCSE
  • Dr. Abhishek Singh Verma, Assoc Prof, CSE, SSCSE
  • Dr. Sonia Setia, Associate Professor, CSE, SSCSE
  • Dr. Bharat Bhushan, Associate Professor, CSE, SSCSE 
  • Mr. Dharm Raj, Assistant Professor, CSE, SSCSE
  • Mr. Murari Kumar Singh, Assistant Prof, CSE, SSCSE

Speaker Details:

  • Dr. ArkadeepMitra, Intel, USA
  • Dr. Ganesh Kumar Sunway University, Malaysia
  • Dr Jubilant (J) KizhakkethottamSaintgits Group of Institutions, Kerela, India
  • Ms. Preeti Sinha, Tata Consultancy Services, India
  • Dr. ParijataMajumdar Indian Institute of Information Technology Agartala, India
  • Dr. RitikaWason, BVICAM, New Delhi, India
  • Dr. VishwasRathi, NIT Kurukshetra, India
  • Dr. AnuradhaChugh GGSIPU, New Delhi, India
  • Dr. Amita Dev VIPS, New Delhi, India
  • Dr. Vandana Sharma Christ University, NCR, India
  • Dr. Prashant Rana Thapar University, Patiala, India
  • Mr. Rajesh Dey, CRC, Taylor & Francis, India
  • Dr. Mansaf Alam, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
  • Dr. Rahul Johari,GGSIPU, New Delhi, India