Department of Physics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences & Research (SSBR) is organizing an online lecture on ‘ Synergistic Proficiency: Collaboration Skills with Soft Skills’ for UG and PG students on 1st June, 2024, Saturday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
Objectives of Event
Synergistic Proficiency" implies a high level of competence in collaborating effectively with others, where the combined efforts of a team or group lead to outcomes that are greater than the sum of individual contributions. The objectives of this event :
- To promote the ability to work well with others and also harmonize diverse skills, perspectives, and strengths toward a common goal.
- To encompasses not just collaboration but also other soft skills such as communication, adaptability, empathy, and leadership that are essential for successful teamwork and achieving synergistic outcomes.
The link for the event is:
Lecture on Synergistic Proficiency: Collaboration Skills with soft skills
Saturday, June 1st - 10:00 – 11:00am
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vqk-jpyj-jtn
Or dial: (US) +1 470-839-8485 PIN: 138 019 722#
Convener Details
- Prof. P. K.Singh , HOD, Department of Physics, SSBSR, Pramodkumar.singh@sharda.ac.in
- Dr. Monika Srivastava, Department of Physics, SSBSR, monika.srivastava@sharda.ac.in
- Dr. Pawan Singh dhapola, Department of Physics, SSBSR, pawan.dhapola@sharda.ac.in