
Gender equity, also known as sexual  equity or  equity of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender  UNICEF defined gender equity as "women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.  As of 2017, gender equity is the fifth of seventeen sustainable development goals (SDG 5) of the United Nations; gender equality has not incorporated the proposition of genders besides women and men, or gender identities outside of the gender binary. Gender inequality is measured annually by the Program’s Human Development Reports.


Objectives of Event

  • To create awareness about gender equity.
  • To raise awareness regarding issues related to gender bias.
  • To maintain a gender sensitive environment.
  • To sustain equality and opportunity among genders.

Convener Details

  • Prof. R. SreeRajaKumar, Associate Dean,Community Health Nursing,sharda university, Rs.kumar@sharda.ac.in



  • Ms. Rekha Kumari, Associate Prof cum HOD. Obstetrics & Gynecology,SNSR, Sharda University,rekha.kumari@sharda.ac.in


  • Ms. Joyce Prabhudas Ranadive,Assistant Professor Medical Surgical Nursing

           SNSR, Joyce.das@sharda.ac.in

Speaker Details:

  • Ms. Smriti Singh Chauhan,Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Law