The Department of Biotechnology, Sharda School of Biosciences & Technology (SSBT) in going to organize an Industrial Visit to Yakult Danone India (P) Ltd for its third year students of B.Tech in Biotechnology during 7th to 10th April 2025.
Yakult Danone India (P) Ltd manufacture at an ISO 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 and is HACCP certified factory in Sonepat, Haryana in North India. The factory is designed as per international standards and special care.
Objectives of Event
1. Understanding Production Processes: Gain insight into the manufacturing processes and technologies used in the production of probiotic dairy products, including the fermentation, bottling, and quality control procedures.
2. Learning about Quality Assurance: Observe and understand the quality assurance measures and standards that Yakult Danone implements to ensure product safety, consistency, and efficacy.
3. Exploring Supply Chain Management: Examine the supply chain and logistics involved in sourcing raw materials, managing inventory, and distributing finished products to various markets.
4. Analysing Business Strategies: Discuss and analyze the business strategies employed by Yakult Danone, including marketing approaches, market segmentation, and consumer engagement, to understand how the company maintains its competitive edge.
5. Investigating Sustainability Practices: Investigate the company’s sustainability initiatives and environmental practices, such as waste management, energy efficiency, and sustainable sourcing, to learn about their commitment to corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship.
Convener Details
Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand, Pro VC- Sharda University, parma.nand@sharda.ac.in
Prof. (Dr.) Baishnab Charan Tripathy, Dean-SSBT, baishnab.tripathy@sharda.ac.in
Dr. R. Rajesh Kannan, HoD-Department of Biotechnology, SSBT, r.kannan@sharda.ac.in
Dr. Garima Chauhan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, SSBT
Dr. Abhay Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, SSBT
Mr. Praveen Yadav, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, SSBT