
Sharda School of Business is organizing an HR Conclave -2024 on the theme “The Future of Work – Adapting to Changing Landscapes” on 17th February 2024
The evolving landscape of work, driven by technological progress, societal shifts, and global crises, necessitates a fundamental re- evaluation of traditional structures. Advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and robotics are reshaping job roles, emphasizing skills that complement automation. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid work models, prompting a rethinking of office-centric approaches. Amidst these changes, prioritizing employee well-being and fostering inclusive cultures are becoming paramount.

The upcoming HR Conclave by Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University, in association with T&P Dept. will explore strategies for adapting to this changing landscape, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning in navigating the future of work.


Objectives of Event

  • To familiarize students with the concept of the Future of Work.
  • To help students understand the trends and innovative strategies at play in the industry.
  • To help students understand the skills they need to develop to cope with this change.
  • To help students gather insights regarding the future of the industry they would be joining.
  • To enable students to interact with senior practitioners of the industry to gain knowledge through the sharing of experiences.

Convener Details

Speaker Details:

  • Mr. Ayush Gupta,Mr. Raosaheb Kangane,Mr. Agnivesh Thakur,Mr. Sahil Nayar,Ms. Ruchi Dhawan Sharma,Ms. Manisha Nayar Vohra,Ms. Chandrima De,Ms. Deepti Vij,Mr. Chandan Kashikar,Ms. Richa Agarwal,Mr. Saurabh Wadhwa,Mr. Ankita Rudra,Ms. Shipra Lavania,Mr. Piyush Govil,Ms. Kruti Pancholi,Mr. Debargha Deb,Dr. Sweta Dixit,Dr. Monica Agarwal,Dr. Parul Saxena,Dr. Rachna Bansal,Dr. Santhi Narayanan