Dental health can affect the functional, psychological and social dimensions of a child’s well being. Oral pain has devastating effects on children, including sleep, poor growth, behavioural problems and poor leaning. Dental decay in children is an important public health issue. Oral health is the condition of the mouth, teeth, and oro-facial structures that enable individuals to perform essential functions such as speaking, breathing and eating. Various modifiable risk factors, such as food consumption rich in sugar, poor oral hygiene, tobacco and alcohol use, lead to oral disorders. A health awareness programme must be organized to spread knowledge about healthy oral health practices. The 2024 campaign focuses on the intricate link between oral health and general health with the theme “A HAPPY MOUTH IS A HAPPY BODY.”
Objectives of Event
- To promote attention towards oral health
- To increase knowledge of oral care and tooth friendly snack for kids
- To reduce incidence of oral decay and other associated health conditions
- To demonstrate proper brushing technique
- To spread awareness related to good oral health and overall well being.
Convener Details
- Ms. Amrita Akhilesh Sivasanker, Associate Professor, Child Health Nursing, SSNSR, Sharda University, 9910023198, amrita.akhilesh@sharda.ac.in
- Ms. Kniranda, Assistant Professor, Child Health Nursing, SSNSR, Sharda University, 9205975003, m.kniranda@sharda.ac.in
- Ms. Helena Nongmeikapam, Senior Tutor/Lecturer, Child Health Nursing, SSNSR, Sharda University, helena.nongmeikapam@sharda.ac.in, 9731784267