The NCC Girls Wing of Sharda University is proud to announce its prestigious Rank Ceremony 2025, a momentous occasion celebrating the exemplary achievements of its cadets. This event symbolizes the culmination of their unwavering dedication, discipline, and commitment to the core values of the National Cadet Corps.
The ceremony will honor and recognize outstanding leadership and diligence as the cadets are conferred with their well-deserved ranks. Join us in commemorating their remarkable journey of excellence and dedication to service, as they step into new roles of responsibility and leadership.
Objectives of Event
- Acknowledgment of Leadership and Excellence
- Inspiring Future Leaders
- Promoting the Spirit of NCC Values
- Strengthening Teamwork and Camaraderie
- Setting Benchmarks for Success
Convener Details
- Lt. Yashodhara Raj, Associate NCC Officer and Assistant Director Training & Placement
Chief Guest Details:
- Col. Sanjay Sood. CO 31 UP Girls batallion