
The Teaching Learning Centre is organizing a Session on "Essential Leadership Traits for 21st Century Educators" for all interested faculty members.


Objectives of Event

  • Similarity between Educators and Leader's
  • Transformation from Educator to Facilitator  
  • Attributes of Highly effective Educators
  • Ingredients of Highly Captivating Session
  • Impactful Communication for Teaching Learning Effectiveness
  • Importance of Non Verbal Communication to identify student interest in the session

Convener Details


Organizing Committee Members :
  • Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Gupta
  • Prof. (Dr.) Vasudha Arora
  • Prof. (Dr.) Ganesh Gupta
  • Prof. (Dr.) Sweta Dixit

Speaker Details:

  • Prof. (Dr.) Kapil Pandla,Mr. Dheeraj Sharma