
The Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering (EECE) is organizing Community Connect visit for 3rd year B.Tech students. The visit is scheduled on the 14.08.2024 to Makora Village. This visit aims to focus on a humanitarian cause not just about providing aid; it's about building relationships, empowering communities, and working together to create a better future.

Benefits of the competition

  1. Study about Rural lifestyle, rural society, caste and gender relations, rural values with respect to community, nature and resources, elaboration of “Soul of India lies in villages' (Gandhi), rural infraciliature.
  2. Study about Agriculture, farming, landownership, water management, animal husbandry, non-farm livelihoods and artisans, rural entrepreneurs, rural markets
  3. Traditional rural organizations, Self-help Groups, Panchayati raj institutions (Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat, Standing Committees), local civil society, local administration.
  4. History of rural development in India, current national programmes:  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Ayushman Bharat, Swatchh, Bharat, PM Awas Yojana, skill India, Gram Panchayat Decentralized Planning, NRLM, MNREGA, etc
  5. Agricultural Equipment, Repair and replace decisions, Technology as a liability or asset for the Rural India. Drip irrigation, smart irrigation, Driverless tractor.

Community Connect visit (1).docx

Objectives of Event

  • To establish and strengthen relationships between community members and external stakeholders, such as government agencies, NGOs, and educational institutions. This fosters trust and collaboration.
  • To identify available resources and determine how best to allocate them to address community needs. This might involve connecting the community with government programs, funding, or other forms of support.

Convener Details
