
SMS&R is organizing Value added course on Hands-on training for handling professional and personal stress for UG students from  01.02.2024.

Theme: Value-added course on Hands-on training for handling professional and personal stress

Objectives of Event

  • lTo make the students familiar with the concept of mental health / mental wellbeing and improve their emotional resilience.
  • l To improve understanding of anger and its symptoms in individuals and cultivate the capacity to manage it.
  • lTo increase awareness about stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues for early screening.
  • lTo improve the knowledge about the treatment methods of mental health issues for timely resolving issues.
  • lTo make a better understanding of mindfulness and distress tolerance which helps in improving individuals' focus and developing healthy coping skills.
  • lTo learn the skills of emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Student learns how to manage intense emotional states in stressful conditions and maintain healthy relationships.
  • lTo learn how to sleep, food, habits and addiction, and other lifestyle-related habits impact mental health. Students become empowered to maintain mental health by maintaining all habits.
  • lTo know the brief relaxation techniques to make themselves relaxed in stress reactions.

Convener Details

  • Dr. Nirupma Gupta- Dean, SMS&R, Sharda University
  • Dr. Pooja Rastogi, Associate Dean, SMS&R, Sharda University


  • Ms. Himangini Sharma
  • Ms. Archana Dhankhar