The Industrial Visit will be held on 8 November 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- Explore our working space in real-time
- Opportunity to explore the corporate and agile working culture of Xebia
- Understand new trends in the industry
Objectives of Event
To provide the students a glimpse of Xebia’s agile working culture and experience the nuances of the industry setup.
Convener Details
- Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand, 9810446717, parma.nand@sharda.ac.in
- Dr. Sudeep Varshney, 9873257466, sudeep.varshney@sharda.ac.in
- Dr. Ramneet, 9878937770, ramneet@sharda.ac.in
- Dr. Shikha Verma, 9811363085, shikha.verma@sharda.ac.in
- Mr. Ashish Kumar, 8410707739, ashish.kumar@sharda.ac.in