
The HR Excellence Awards, hosted by Sharda School of Business Studies, is a significant initiative designed to strengthen industry partnerships. This program provides a platform to honor outstanding business practices and encourage collaboration between academia and industry. By aligning academic knowledge with industry demands, the initiative aims to improve training and placement prospects for students, foster internships, and establish networks that enhance employment opportunities for graduates.

Objectives of Event

  • Fostering Industry-Academia Partnerships: Focused on building and strengthening collaborations between the business school and industry leaders.
  • Recognizing Business Excellence: Aimed at honouring companies and individuals for exceptional performance and commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Improving Training and Placement: Dedicated to enhancing students' training and placement opportunities through direct engagement with industry professionals.
  • Addressing Skill Gaps: Striving to align academic curricula with industry requirements, ensuring students develop relevant skills and expertise.
  • Promoting Innovation and Improvement: Encouraging a culture of innovation and continuous advancement among students and industry stakeholders in business practices.

Convener Details


Co-Convener Details:

Chief Guest Details:

  • Mr. Salil Lal CHRO, Maruti
  • Ms. Simin AskariCHRO, DS Group


Speaker Details:

  • Mr. Anand Amritraj, Motivational Speaker & Business Advisor, AAR Services