
Pro Bono Club, Sharda School of Law, Sharda University organizing the expert lecture on the topic “Constitutional Values: Rights, Obligations and Fabric of Justice.”

This Lecture will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Constitutional values that serve as the cornerstone of a just and equitable society, providing a framework for governance that prioritizes the rights, obligations, and well-being of all individuals within a nation.

Objectives of Event

  1. Understanding Fundamental Rights: To comprehend the significance and scope of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.
  2. Appreciation of Civic Responsibilities: To cultivate an understanding of the obligations and responsibilities that accompany constitutional rights.
  3. Promotion of Legal Justice: To grasp the role of constitutional values in ensuring justice, fairness, and equality under the law.
  4. Development of Legal Ethics: To instil ethical principles and values essential for upholding constitutional rights and obligations.
  5. Enhancement of Legal Advocacy Skills: To equip law students with the necessary skills to advocate for and protect constitutional values in legal practice

Convener Details



Rishabh Randhawa

Shivani Jha 

Priyanshi Sharma

Chief Guest Details:

  • Arushi Chaudhary, Faculty and Constitutional Expert, Ambition Law Institute, New Delhi

Speaker Details:

  • Arushi Chaudhary