
Department of Mathematics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University is organizing a cultural event-cum-Farewell: “Dream Fest: A Fantastical Gala” on 19th April 2024. This vibrant cultural event will gather students from various backgrounds to partake in an array of exciting activities and competitions. We aim to empower students to showcase their talents, foster connections with their peers, and gain valuable experiences.

Objectives of Event

  • Connecting neighbouring cultures within our community.
  • Fostering sustainable relationships among people of diverse cultures, faiths, nationalities, languages, and backgrounds.
  • Empowering students to showcase their myriad talents, nurturing their overall personality and creativity, and inspiring participation in extracurricular activities.

Organizers Details:

  • Prof. S.K Banerjee (Dean- SSBSR)

Convener Details

  • Prof. Khursheed Alam (HOD- Mathematics)

Organizing Secretaries:


  • All Faculty members of the Department.

Venue: Vishveshwarya Auditorium Room No. 014, Block-3, Sharda University
Date: 19/04/24

Time: 11:00 am onward


Target Students- All students of B.Sc., M.Sc. Mathematics and Data Science & Analytics.

Chief Guest Details:


Speaker Details:

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