
The SSBS is hosting "Ad-Mad 2.0," a national advertising competition designed to highlight student creativity and innovation. Participants will create and present amusing advertisements for hypothetical products and brands, merging "creativity with craziness." This event serves as a platform for students to showcase their talents in product and service marketing, allowing them to experiment with advertising strategies. By performing scripted ideas, they can develop their skills and present their collective creativity. The goal is to nurture and celebrate their innovative abilities in a fun and engaging environment for Advertisement.

Objectives of Event

1. To provide a platform for students to demonstrate their creative talents by developing and presenting unique advertisements for hypothetical products and brands.



      2.  To nurture students' skills in advertising and marketing by encouraging them to explore innovative promotional tactics and collaborate on creative projects

Convener Details


Dr. M. D. Ciddkie

Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University


Dr. Ajay Kumar

Sharda School of Business Studies,

Sharda University













