
Pro Bono Club, Sharda School of Law, Sharda University organising an enriching educational visit to Rashtrapati Bhawan, the visit aims at providing students with a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the seat of the highest constitutional office in the country and enhance their understanding of India's governance and constitutional values. This visit is part of the club’s ongoing efforts to combine legal education with experiential learning, thereby encouraging students to engage with key institutions of democracy.

Objectives of Event

  • To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the functions and duties of the President of India within the framework of the Indian Constitution. 
  • Understanding the Role of the President in Constitutional Governance.
  • To cultivate a sense of civic responsibility among students by familiarizing them with the structure and significance of the highest constitutional office in India.
  • To foster national pride and reinforce the importance of constitutional values such as democracy, justice, and equality by visiting a landmark that symbolizes the Indian Republic.

Convener Details

  • Prof. Anita Singh, Professor in Charge, Sharda School of Law, Sharda University
