
Healthcare is a critical aspect of every individual's life, and fostering awareness, understanding, and engagement in healthcare-related topics is essential for personal and community well-being. In line with this vision, we propose the establishment of a Healthcare Club within our institution.

Objectives of Event

  • The objectives of healthcare clubs can vary, but commonly include promoting health awareness, providing educational opportunities, fostering professional development, and facilitating networking among members interested in healthcare careers.

Convener Details

  • Dr. Manik Batra, Assistant Professor, Sharda  School of Business Studies, Sharda University, 9654419900, Manik.batra@sharda.ac.in
  • Dr. Richa Pandey, Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University, 9560448270, Richa.pandey@sharda.ac.in


  • Dr. Saniya Zehra, Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University, 9899519117, Saniya.zehra@sharda.ac.in
  • Dr. Himanshi Puri, Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University, 8447879131, Himanshi.puri@sharda.ac.in