
Pharmacist Day celebrates the crucial role pharmacists play in healthcare, ensuring safe and effective use of medications. It recognizes their contributions to patient care, counseling, and medication management. The day highlights their expertise in promoting health and well-being in communities.

Objectives of Event

  • To honor pharmacists for their crucial contributions to global health, particularly in strengthening health systems during and after the COVID-19 crisis.
  • To increase public awareness of the vital role pharmacists play in improving healthcare and meeting future health system needs.
  • To highlight the achievements of pharmacists and showcase the value and potential of the pharmacy profession in enhancing health outcomes.
  • To mark the anniversary of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and recognize its efforts in leading global initiatives to support and advance the pharmacy profession.

Convener Details


Speaker Details:

  • Mr. Satendra Yadav Regional Digital Marketing Manager (9871144559), Molecular Devices India Private Limited India, Dubai, Malaysia satendra_y123@yahoo.com