
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is organizing a Community Outreach Activity Based Orientation for Holistic Development of Students.

Following activities are planned.

  • Demo Session
  • Ice Breaker Game
  • Hands On Activity
  • Demonstrative Session

Objectives of Event

  • Short demo on Agastya Pedagogy, process of enrolment and completion.
  • The demo will set the idea of how to give experiential learning through the Hand-on to the underprivileged students. 
  • Through this program young students can channelise their energy for the good cause of society and provide benefit to underprivileged children.
  • An initiative to bridge the knowledge gap between schools students and university students to develop innovation and creativity through mentoring.

Convener Details

Chairman:  Prof. S.K. Banerjee, Dean, SSBSR. Mob. No 8760818392, shyamal.kumar@sharda.ac.in


Convenor:  Dr Anupam Agarwal, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Mob. No 9911222824


Speaker Details:

  • Akhilesh Kumar, Agastya International Foundation