

Women’s empowerment is a key factor in achieving gender equality and social justice. While much focus is given to policies and initiatives supporting women, the role of men as allies in this process is often overlooked. The talk on ‘The Role of Men in Women Empowerment: Allies not Opponents," aims to highlight how men can actively contribute to gender equality by supporting and uplifting women in personal, educational, and professional spaces.

This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly:

 SDG 5: Gender Equality – Ensuring equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination against women.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – Addressing gender-based inequalities and promoting social inclusion.

Expected Outcomes

· Increased awareness of the importance of male allies in women’s empowerment.

· Encouragement of equal opportunities for women and men in education, workplaces, and leadership roles.

· Strengthening partnerships between men and women for sustainable development.

· Contribution to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) through advocacy and action.

Objectives of Event

1. To emphasize the crucial role of men in women’s empowerment.

2. To discuss practical ways in which men can support women’s personal and professional growth.

3. To highlight the importance of breaking gender stereotypes and fostering equal opportunities.

4. To showcase real-life examples of male allies in gender equality initiatives.

To encourage institutions, workplaces to work together toward SDG 5 and SDG 10

Convener Details

Convenor: Dr. Sarita Verma,


                  School of Education

Sharda University


Co-Convenor: Dr. Akanksha Srivastava

                  Associate Professor

                            School of Education

Sharda University


Dr. Ozma

                  Assisstant Professor

                      School of Education

Sharda University


Speaker Details:

  • Ms. Rekha Gairola Certified POSH Trainer and Diversity and Inclusion Speaker.